Export Control Resources

Research Ethics and Compliance

U-M’s export controls compliance guidelines are articulated in a memorandum from the Vice President for Research.  The guidelines express the goal of adhering to the federal export controls regulations while maintaining U-M’s “openness in research” policy (Regents’ Policy Concerning Research Grants, Contracts, and Agreements; SPG 303.01)

Safe Computing

UMICH Safe Computing provides a wealth of educational resources to guide students and staff in safeguarding their online activities, ensuring both personal security and the university’s integrity while browsing the web.

On the Safe Computing website, you can find direct links, relating to export controls, for a multitude of Michigan websites. You can use your mouse or tab key to access different websites that explain more about export controls.

Because export controlled research includes information that is regulated for reasons of national security, foreign policy, and anti-terrorism, protecting sensitive data is a shared responsibility among everyone.

Sensitive data should only be used/accessed on permitted services. Below is a list of services that CAN and CANNOT be used, as well as examples of what sensitive information can look like.

Information and Technology Services (ITS)

ITS provides innovative, reliable, and user-centric technology services and support for the U-M community.

Below are some links from the Proposal Management Support for Research Compliance & Export Controls webpage on the ITS website.

Export Control Home Workspace
Field description of the Export Control role Home page.

Complete Export Control Review
Job Aid for completing an Export Control Review.


Michigan Engineering encourages the use of high-performance computing resources in support of research and teaching. CAEN, in collaboration with U-M Advanced Research Computing (ARC), is responsible for supporting these advanced computing resources for Engineering students and faculty.

  • The NSF’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) provides advanced digital resources and services to scientists across the country.
  • The U-M’s campus Linux-based high-performance computing cluster, called Great Lakes, supports multi-core and long-running computations.